Theatre: Trailers & Funding Appeals
Personal Projects
Documenting The Days / Hours / Years That Pass
A Collection of My Creations and Experiences
A Space To Look Back On My Life Fondly.
Other links
Other links
All Rumble promo/funding videos
All Rumble promo/funding videos
What makes Rumble an important company?
What does Rumble do differently?
Why do you like working with Rumble?
Other personal projects
Other personal projects
Willilish'd - As and When It Happens
Rum & Coke - Mistaken Identity Theatre Company - We created this piece for NSDF's 2021 festival exploring identity at University through a piece of gig theatre. I video edited, sound designed and produced this piece.
Livestreamed events
Livestreamed events
I, Frida - Rice & Beans Theatre Company
Anne's Cradle - Rice & Beans Theatre Company
Archival footage
Archival footage